Friday 19 December 2014

Christmas Event

Hey guys! It's nearly Christmas! On Msp they already did a Christmas Event. I've bought some new Christmas clothes. There's a Christmas Calendar. 19 new things :P

So has anyone decorated their room for Christmas yet? Cause I have. I already put a Christmas tree up.
So today was finally the last day at school... this year. That is really sad :P
So as I promised, I am going to write how many views through this year I had and all that. So here u go:
-- 77 posts
-- Great bloggers :D
I don't think I will write this year anymore, so just in case


                       I wish you all a

 Merry Christmas

 and a

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog do not think you're boring and no one likes you!!!! -_-///
