Saturday 27 September 2014


Hey guys. So I just thought of a perfect thing. Here it is. If u wanna send some cool things like funny films, ur own msp doll or just anything here is my email - - Btw my friend made my email on this web so every time I go on it I always use the Google translator :D :P Okay so all u gotta do is send me an email with this cool thing and I MIGHT put it on this blog. Also u can ask me any single question and I will answer it on this blog :)

Friday 26 September 2014

1 Thing I Hate

So this post is gonna be about 1 thing I hate. I'm doing this post cause some people just kept on askin me to do this kind of post so here u go :) I just hate when people (like teachers) just keep on talking and talking about 1 thing and that completely bores me out. For me, I need like 1 or 2 sentences about a thing and that is all I need. Maybe sometimes when I don't understand something then I ask but when I know something for sure and then a person just keeps on talking non stop about that I just think I hate learning with that teacher :D So to not bore u out either this is the end. But just before I end I wanna say that this is my 60 post and 600 viewers! So congratz!  


Hey guys so I haven't been makin any films for a really long time so I thought it's time to get going again :D So now I will be making about 2 mail times and about 3 Georgie Shopping With Friends :) Also I had much more time to do things cause lately I have been not well, I had a fever so I still feel not well :s Ok so when I will do the films I will put them on the blog :)

Msp magazines

Hey guys! So every month I always buy msp new magazines :) I just love them. Every month there are always presents like rare stuff + 500 starcoins. I found out about these magazines this year in February and from then till now I've got 8 magazines already :D I really persuade fans of msp to buy these magazines. They don't cost a lot either so that's a good thing too :P 

Monday 22 September 2014


Hey guys. So on msp I announced a competition. So everyone can compete in it. So all u have to do is make a look - or more than 1 look - and then I will pick the 3 best looks :) So it's already started and for those who are on msp and wanna be on this blog just make a look and wait and see :) Also the winners will be announced when the 3 looks are made :)

Sunday 21 September 2014


Hi guys so I just realized this blog reached 571 views!!!!!!!!! Thank u everyone for visiting my blog. So again BIG thank u's!

More new looks :P

Hey so as I said last time it's rare week! So all I do on msp is buy new rares :D If I would be u I would do that too :D So here are my new rare looks :)

Saturday 20 September 2014

New Look

Hia so here is one of my rare looks :) I just love it :D

Rare Week!

Hi guys! So I wrote to msp like ages ago and asked for rare week, and here it is!!!!! They actually made rare week. Right now I am playing msp buying all the rares out :D Btw I'm not sure if it is on different country's than in UK so don't get all happy if ur not on Uk one CHECK FIRST! :P Ok so I also have to say sorry guys I haven't wrote so long but we had so many tests and I gotta learn so I'll try my best to write at least 1 a week :)

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Level 18 :)

Hey guys so I'm finally on level 18! :D If u really want to know my secret visit my blog! When it gets to 500 visits I will tell u the way to level up quick :) I'm gonna use this way to get to level 19 :) Btw no hacking, no stealing! It is just on moviestarplanet :)

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Monday 1 September 2014

My ♥BFF♥

Hi guys so me and my bff have been making an artbook to show that bff can know eachother really well and don't have fights  :) So 2 artbooks :)

So If u read Team Ginky artbook u will see we are not bffs on msp but now we are :) If u don't believe me go on uk moviestarplanet and type in my name - GeorgieHenley and u will see I am bffs with Pinkyperfect321.
Btw add me too :D

Msp Apps

Moviestarplanet made many different apps. I don't have every single one but I have three of them.
Ok so omlne of them is star studio. I really like this game. You build s studio, magazines, decorations and much more. Also if you level up you can transfer coins and fame on to your moviestarplanet account.
Ok the second application is Boonieverse. It is a really cool game but it's not that good like star studio. You have to take care of your pets, level them up and fight with other boonies and more things.
The last game is Fame City. I'm really sorry but I really hate it. I simply loved the beggining where you had to level up, transfer coins and fame to your account,  do fun jobs and all thatbut when I passes level 2 it did not want to level up anymore and transfer the coins and fame so I had to uninstall the game.

Ratings :
Star Studio :

                                                            Boonieverse :

Fame City :


Sorry guys that I didn't write so long but you know going to school tomorrow and all that.
So when school starts I will not have that much time to write so I might be posting 1 or 2 posts a day no more. Because I don't only have normal school as some of u know, I also have a music school and I gotta practise on my instrument 1 hour so before I do all of that it will be late :s
But on Saturday and Sunday I'm free. So I'm gonna be posting many posts on the weekend so don't worry :D