Sunday 17 August 2014


Hey! So I've been looking for something to write about and I actually did :P There where 2 party's (not including mine) going on! I've made one too and I actually got more loves :) Here are the pics. Thanks to <rainbow dash> and Briana5656. Soz about the mixed up pics. My phone couldn't upload them all so I had a little problem XD

                                                At <rainbow dash>'s room

                                                          At mine :)

                                    Not much more but always something :P

At briana5656's room :)

                                           Thank u Briana and rainbow dash :)

                                                          Back at mine :D

Btw add Briana5656 and <rainbow dash> and me GeorgieHenley on the uk msp :) Thnx.

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