Friday 24 July 2015

The End

Hey guys. So as you can see, I don't really write any posts anymore. I've been really busy. Had lots of exams, concerts, competitions. I don't really go on Moviestarplanet anymore either. It just got a little boring.
I'm not deleting this blog or my moviestarplanet account but I will not write any more posts.
It was great fun making all those posts, but it's time to end. I know that 1 year that long, but it's life. I also want to thank you guys for reading my blog and for just being with me. I wish you guys a great life :)

Goodbye ;)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

So long......

Hi guys! So I am SO sorry that I didn't write for SUCH a long time.
I wasn't able to write, cause I had exams. Never mind that ;)
Also I was thinking to do Vlogs.
Vlogs are films about your life, beauty, games.... anything.
But I won't do it.
So I started writing songs and compose music to it.
So, on msp the new event is about "The Oscar Award" or something like that.
I can't believe that the Polish film "Ida"..... I think that's the name, won the Oscar.
I don't like that film. This is my opinion. I don't have anything to people that like that film. They are alright. So I'm NOT a hater :)

Thursday 15 January 2015

New Event

Hey guys. So this weeks event is "Snow's up". It's about skiing and snowboarding.
I'm writing about it because I just love snowboarding. It's my favourite thing to do.
Of course except of blogging :P U can buy great things. Here are some pics..

Back to blogging.....

Hey guys, sorry I didn't write for such a long time. It's because I was on Christmas Holidays. So now that I'm back, I promise I will write -nearly- everyday :)
So actually it's been nearly a year blogging now :)
So this post is like a "intro" to the new year and blogging and the new post will be just in a sec ;)

Friday 19 December 2014

Christmas Event

Hey guys! It's nearly Christmas! On Msp they already did a Christmas Event. I've bought some new Christmas clothes. There's a Christmas Calendar. 19 new things :P

So has anyone decorated their room for Christmas yet? Cause I have. I already put a Christmas tree up.
So today was finally the last day at school... this year. That is really sad :P
So as I promised, I am going to write how many views through this year I had and all that. So here u go:
-- 77 posts
-- Great bloggers :D
I don't think I will write this year anymore, so just in case


                       I wish you all a

 Merry Christmas

 and a

Happy New Year!

Monday 1 December 2014


Hey guys. So I haven't wrote on my blog for a long time. When I opened my profile I found out that I have 1023 views!! Thank you everyone for that!
By the way, they made an Advent calendar on msp! I love them. U sometimes get great things.
I opened my first one today. It was a grey hat with reindeer ears.
How cool is that..... That is not really the best but I still like it. I really want to know what I will get tomorrow??
I will write what I get tomorrow ;)

Sunday 23 November 2014


Hey guys, so I've got one question. Which of these looks are the worst? Comment below for the worst one. I'll do another post with the two left and u will have to decide again.

New photo ♥

Hey guys, so I just found out about a great website. U can make great photos there :) If you want to know what the web is called just message me. I will tell you ;) So here is the pic I made..... Hope u like it :)

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Msp's Competition

Hey! So about last week I took place in a msp competition about "Msp's 5th Birthday".
Sadly I didn't win anything.
Some people say that the moviestars that won deserve that.
I don't really think that a lvl 37 or 38 won it.
I don't really mean about the level but about the fact that they were vip before winning that too!? And how is that fair???
So from now on I just don't start in any competitions because the are false and not fair.

Friday 14 November 2014

New Look

Hey guys, so someone told me to wear black clothes for a whole week. So here u go. Here is the look :) Hope u like it. Btw it's a friend from class who dared me that. Getting 5 pounds if I do it! Great isn't it?? :D

Wednesday 5 November 2014

So long........

Hey guys. So this is the 6th month doing this blog :)
That's a long time now writing post and all that.
It's now November, nearly December.
When it's gonna be the 31st December I'm gonna do a post about the things I succeeded.
I'll write how many posts I wrote, how many comments there are, how many views and much more :) Of course I will write many posts in between, like what is happening on msp, add some pictures and of course on the 25th December I will tell u all what I got for Christmas :D
So that's just a short post about the things that will happen from now till December.

Monday 3 November 2014


Hey! So, I've got a great cheat that everyone can do, to level up. The cheat is that you need to do a task.
U need to invite firstly 1 friend, then 5, 10 and 25.
I've invited 17 "friends" already. Joke :P Just invite ur self :) When you have invited 25+ friends you get 125000 fame! I just simply love this kinda cheat :P
I found it out by myself so I'm heading to level 19! And the 20 :D

Piggy Bank

Hey guys! So I just found out about the piggy bank. When I clicked on it, it was already full?! That annoyed me :P
Also you can only have 2500 starcoins and only 5000 fame. And to empty your piggy bank you need to be vip which really made me angry.
Ok, I've got just one question to ask you.

       "How did you find out about my blog?
And plz give me some ideas to improve my blog, if it does need to be improved"

Plz comment below the answers :) I'll be really grateful!

Wednesday 29 October 2014


Hey guys! It's Halloween in two days! Don't know what to dress in!!?!?!?? Plz help! Going trick or Treat with friends on the 31st October so might write a little when I come back from Halloween :) Btw have many tests this week so won't be writing a lot so the next time I will write is gonna be maybe on Saturday or Sunday :) Plus going on a concert on the 6th December! So happy :)

Thursday 23 October 2014

Fight X(

Hey guys. So lately Candired and Alishak are having a fight! It's just got annoying! Candi puts some posts about how Alishak bully's her and Alishak sometimes puts something to Candi's guestbook and then the fight like never stops! It's like they are so childish! This is what I got to say to you Candi and Ali " GROW UP! or just don't get msp users into that fight! It's been annoying! U where best friends! Now u just fight" If I would be somehow able to tell them that I would!
Ok nm that! I won't be able to write much this week cause I got lots of tests going on! So then I will catch up in two weeks :)


Hey guys! It's halloween on msp! I've already got my costume ready! Here is it:

 Comment if u like it :) And happy halloween!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Msp 5 th B-day :)

Hey guys! So I would like to inform that today is msp 5th birthday! Wow 5 years that's long :) So because of this celebration msp lowered the prices for vip! Sadly I'm not getting one :( If so I have no idea why. So I just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MSP!!!!! and thank u for being the best game ever! :D


Hey guys. So once I wrote about a competition on msp. It was about 3 best looks. Ok so I have picked them :) So here are looks made by:

Goth ForeverKGG
QueenMimi 123
So I really want to congratulate these people who won :)

Friday 3 October 2014


Hey guys, I am really sorry that I haven't wrote a post for a time. It's all because lately I've had many tests to learn to. Also this month I might not write much cause I have 3 competitions :s The worst problem is that I don't want to go to 2 of them :( The teachers picked me, and when I said no sorry they just wrote me down on the stupid list x( I hate my teachers! Actually I shouldn't be talking about my own problems on this blog but I just felt like I need to shout it out to someone, or write it somewhere public :D Soz but I gotta get going, need to do my homework :'(

Saturday 27 September 2014


Hey guys. So I just thought of a perfect thing. Here it is. If u wanna send some cool things like funny films, ur own msp doll or just anything here is my email - - Btw my friend made my email on this web so every time I go on it I always use the Google translator :D :P Okay so all u gotta do is send me an email with this cool thing and I MIGHT put it on this blog. Also u can ask me any single question and I will answer it on this blog :)